Have a baby of your choice with the help of an artificial womb

Scientists came up with the idea of creating babies in artificial incubators

With the help of genetic engineering, it will be possible to breed children without the mother's womb and add desired characteristics to them.

Artificial insemination is currently only a concept, the brainchild of Berlin-based Yemeni molecular biologist Hashim al-Ghaili.

Through this concept technology, parents can choose their child's intelligence, height, hair, skin and eye color as per their choice.

  If the scientists succeed in this project, then the mother's womb will not be needed to produce a baby, but babies will be born in a factory of artificial incubators.

In 2017, scientists invented an artificial womb called 'Bio Bag' which was used to breed lambs.

After the successful experiment of the bio-bag, scientists are now working on the invention of a similar type of artificial womb for the birth of humans.

Artificial wombs will help reduce human suffering due to infertile couples and pregnancy complications.

The child's height, hair and eye color can also be adjusted according to one's choice by genetically modifying the male and female sperm before implanting them in the artificial womb.

It should be noted that the human population in the world has exceeded 8 billion, but it is also true that the birth rate has decreased during the last 100 years.

On the same basis, Elon Musk said in his tweet last year that we should be very concerned about the end of population because if the population of humans on Earth is low, there will be no humans for Mars either.

This statement of Elon Musk is being said on behalf of a large segment of the world because according to a study, there has been an increase in infertility over the past century.